Partage’s Interventions For Educational PromotionPartage’s Interventions for Educational Promotion
Partage France is an agency working for the overall development of children. The main focus is the education of the marginalized so that they grow with dignity. Initially, the support was on an individual basis. The educational progress was assessed at every quarter and motivated for higher standards. Contact Vijayapuram social service charitable society, Kottayam
In the year 2000, the society made an assessment of the education of children in the operational area. The study brought out that nearly 75% of deserving children are outside the educational support of the Society through Partage France. Therefore a comprehensive deliberation was carried out and as a result a children’s development platform, Balavedi, was organized. All educational support was pooled through the Balavedis. Tuition centres, study centres and resource centres were instituted for the promotion of education of the children. Thus we could support 7200 children for their education in the place of 1500 children supported otherwise. Every year 720 children could be additionally inducted into the programme in the place of those who have completed Plus Two. This was a great shift and a boost in educational promotion.